I.M. Katsu Goto

A brief post about something that moved me today.

Hawai’i has a vital shrine culture. I came across this shrine by happenstance this afternoon. Even though this labor activist was murdered when Hawai’i was still an independent kingdom (1889), it had largely been taken over by American plantation owners by then (who instituted the coup a few years later that led to the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy and the occupation by USA). This young immigrant sugar worker had learned English before leaving Japan but was lynched on the Hamakua coast.


Counter what a small, if very noisy, subset of American polytheists would have it animism/polytheism is hardly the precinct of the Right. I am moved that Goto’s shrine is still lovingly and beautifully maintained.


The sugar plantations are gone, but corporate and oligarchic interests are still rife. But as the plaque says his spirit lives on! What is remembered, lives.



And apologies for the blurry photos—it seems that (and not altogether unrelated) smartphone cameras are designed to degrade purposefully to get us to ever buy new models.

Lughnasadh and Various Announcements

On Sunday, we lit a druid’s fire for the first time here. Such a different environment (and no berry-picking!), but I believe the Gods were pleased. Praise to the Shining Ones!


A Beautiful Resistance #2 is out, and edited by Lorna Smithers. I have an essay “Bataille and the Dead”, exploring the application of aspects of the philosophy of Georges Bataille for contemporary pagans and polytheists. Words from Emma Restall Orr, Heathen Chinese and other interesting writers can be found.

“The thought of French philosopher and writer Georges Bataille (1897-1962) can help reveal the ‘limited economy’, its role in creating this wasteland that is blighting the entire biosphere, and via an understanding of the ‘accursed share’, hidden by modernist productive ideology, afford pagans insights into a life beyond utility in a ‘general economy’ of sacred expenditure, one where the dead (always) await, and animality returns to us.”–Finnchuill



With Lyre and Bow: A Devotional in Honor of Apollo, edited by Jennifer Lawrence, is now available from Bibliotheca Alexandrina. I have a sonnet for the God therein.

With Lyre and Bow: A Devotional in Honor of Apollo


I remember that this time a year ago, I was in beautiful Olympia, Washington attending the first Many Gods West. It was so awesome! Wish I were able to attend this year, but here I am on a tropical island, thousands of miles away. Best wishes to all attending, and presenting–I’m sure it will be wonderful.