Margot Adler, 1946-2014

I’m saddened to hear that Margot Adler has passed. Drawing Down The Moon was such a groundbreaking book. I read it in ’86. There was nothing like it at the time.

At the last PantheaCon, I sat next to her in the Wiccanate Privilege discussion; she was obviously a good listener, as well as a warm individual.

Besides her important work in the Pagan Revival, she was an NPR correspondent and earlier of WBAI, NY’s Pacifica affiliate (Free Speech Radio). Important work all! Interestingly enough, she was also the granddaughter of Alfred Adler, Sigmund Freud’s colleague.

In remembrance of a life well-lived!


drawing down moon


Holy Tree

I love it when by happenstance I come upon a natural shrine or altar somewhere in nature that other people have been drawn to. Here is a redwood tree from a beautiful grove in the Berkeley/Oakland hills that has attracted devotion.

My partner and I added our contribution and prayers.



